Friday, March 14, 2025

Inspirational Articles

The Power of One: How One Person Can Change the World

The Power of One: How One Person Can Change the World "…The power of one is not in strength, but in faithfulness. A single voice,...

Daily Devotionals

The Power of the Tongue: A Weapon for Life or Death

"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." — Proverbs 18:21 Words are powerful. They...

Who You Are Not

"You will never fully embrace who you are until you let go of who you were. God is not consulting your past to determine...

More Than Conquerors

The Mystery That is GOD



Finding Comfort After Loss: My Journey Through Grief and Healing

  "Your pain can deepen you to a place where you understand the pain of others, and from that place, true ministry begins." - Henri...

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Kambua Manundu

Kambua Manundu: “How can a young man (or woman) keep his/her ways pure? by living in accordance to the word of God”. Psalms 119:9 Kambua Manundu is...

Business and Entrepreneurship

Christian Entrepreneurship: A Lesson From A Faithful Widow

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Martin Luther King Jr. The story of the widow in 2...

New Year Considerations

The New Year approaches and as we think of new beginnings, we tend to make those flimsy New Year's Resolutions that never seem to...

Five Essential Leadership Qualities

  Leadership is a calling that requires dedication, wisdom, and a heart for service. Whether in politics, business, ministry, or family life, effective leaders embody...

Joseph’s Work Ethic

“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our...

Gotta do it All

I can't let up, gotta get it done, gotta get it done. There is no one that can do it like I can. Everyone else...


Cooking With the Bible in Mind Microwave Chocolate Gravy (MCG)There's still an Art to it! (How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey...


Movie Reviews

Footprints Movie

Amish Grace

Letters to God

The Ultimate Gift
