Growing in faith

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Friday, 01 July 2011 08:44
    Faith is the only means by which to experience God. It involves trust in God and is based on certain realities.....Read More
  2. THE SECRET OF CONTENTMENT. By Beatrice Ofwona
    Grieving for those that have left us through death may be healthy. Mourning is even advocated for in the Bible. But those who have known salvation should not overly do this because we have hope of resurrection for those who die in Jesus Christ. If we have not given our lives fully to Christ then we should be worried more for our own death which will end in judgment and not in..Read More
  3. HOW TO ACHIEVE TOTAL SUCCESS By Beatrice Ofwona It is God's wish that we live in abundance. In each and every one of us He has placed the key for this; the gift that you need to use to be successful. Success in God's language is putting other people first to benefit from your gifts and talents. If you can find that which you are passionate about, you are halfway to opening this lovely present inside of you; your gift, which is also your treasure....Read More
  4. WHY YOU SHOULD BE BORN AGAIN by Beatrice Ofwona
    Jesus Christ has commissioned each and every one of us to go out into the world to spread the Gospel and the message of salvation so that souls may be saved. We should see the urgency to snatch as many people from the fire as possible. Many are they that seek for answers but we have failed to give it to them. Let us not keep salvation to ourselves but instead go out and explain why each and every one of us needs to be reconciled to the Father through the Son. Let us explain why we need to be born again....Read More
    Confession is a spiritual discipline that is a prerequisite for any practicing Christian. None of us is too good not to have anything to confess about; these could be in thought or ...Read More

We must constantly be aligned with God's plans for our lives. This is however made impossible by certain obstacles which must first be eliminated....Read More

7. With God everything is possible By Mary Isaacs

Faith is the lack of fear or doubt that we will get what we hope for. The Bible teaches that it is the complete trust, assurance or confidence in the word of God....Read More

8. Three Types of Love By Mary Isaacs

Agape love transcends other types of love. Its proactive nature gives it the power to rise above the environment, Read more…

9. Faith Like a Child By Cortney Whiting

This article explains what it means to have a childlike faith. It challenges the reader to approach Christ with humility.  Read more..

10 A Challenge on Discipleship. By Cortney Whiting

We must get beyond our Sunday School knowledge of the stories of Jesus and see HOW he lived life, not simply what he did. Then, we are to do the same. When we abide in him, we are able to do much for the kingdom of God.  Read more..

11. Do not be Anxious. By  Cortney Whiting

We must make it a practice to praise God in every situation and pray continually to Him regarding everything. When we have this upward perspective, the result is God's peace that guards our thoughts and emotions. Read more..

13. A Matter of Affection and Perspective. By Cortney Whiting

When the Spirit is wlling but the body is weak. Read more....

14. Being Christ-like - The Priority of Devotion By Cortney Whiting
The challenge today is to ask yourself how you can improve your devotion to God. As we you continue to look at the life of Christ, we are going to see that he was not some fundamentalist Bible thumper. Rather, because of his devotion to God, he lived a radical, exciting, and fruitful life that was anything but mundane. Read more...



Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 October 2011 15:12

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