Peace Keeper or Peace Maker?

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Peace Keeper or Peace Maker? PDF Print E-mail
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Monday, 01 July 2013 10:27

Peace Keeper or Peace Maker?

Peace Dove
By Janet Eriksson

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9 (E.S.V)

Are you a peace keeper or a peace maker?
Peace keepers struggle for peace at all costs, and don't find it. Peace makers carry genuine peace.
Peace keepers fear chaos. They walk on eggshells, exhausted. The peace they chase isn't real.
Peace makers start with inner peace. They don't fear to speak the truth. They know peace will follow.
To be a peace maker, get peace deeply into your heart. Be real about your wounds: don't cover them up; get them healed.
Then you'll carry real peace everywhere you go.

“Peace can't be forced, only discovered from within” ― Héctor Martínez

Janet Eriksson is a Christian inspirational writer and healing prayer minister. She lives in the beautiful foothills of Dahlonega, Georgia. Her writings and information about her ministries can be found at Thank you for reading!
Article Source: WRITERS

Last Updated on Monday, 01 July 2013 11:23

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