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Monday, 14 July 2014 07:16

The Sower

“A farmer went out to sow his seed… some fell along the path… some fell on rocky places… seed fell among thorns... other seed fell on good soil …whoever has ears, let them hear.” (Matthew 13: 3-9)

The parable of the sower is mainly interpreted as a lesson in being the good soil that produces good fruit for the Lord. Some of us fail to note the generosity of the farmer who lavishly spreads the seeds over all the soils, giving them each a chance to enable the seeds to grow.

Like the sower we need to spread the Good Message to all; even those we think may be disinclined to accept it. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Wise Quote: “Spread your good news to all – even when rejected by hard hearts, let down by those who don’t keep promises or ridiculed by others blinded by the world’s temptations. Your job isn’t to concentrate on your success or to judge, but to share your love with others”. ~Jean Wise

Last Updated on Friday, 18 July 2014 06:25

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