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Tuesday, 10 June 2014 10:24


“In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.” (Psalms 10:4 N.I.V)

When you feel disconnected or detached from God ask yourself the following:

Which god do you believe in and feel far away from? The Christian God is self defining: what He says He is. (I am Who I am.) Maybe the god you define is not the true one.

Detachment usually happens when there is some sort of trouble in our lives.

What is happening in your life? Nothing happens in a vacuum. Our feelings are intertwined with a thousand strings. Could there have been some traumatic suffering, leading you to doubt God’s goodness because he did not prevent what you feel is a great injustice happening? Many Psalms preach God’s love, compassion, grace, and steadfastness, and his readiness to help us. Adversity such as the death of a child, being physically or sexually assaulted or other devastating occurrences can rattle the core of our faith. Is your faith attached to various positive circumstances?

Is it you or God who moved? When there is moral failure: pornography, adultery, any kind of secret life, there is bound to be a feeling of detachment from God.

It is profoundly interwoven in the structure of the Bible, that in this broken world, some evils beset us from outside us and others from inside us and our feelings are going to play out against these realities.

The human soul is never a vacuum. You either have faith or something else is preoccupying you. God is God and no matter the circumstances, He is always near. If you feel detached to God, what is it that you are attached to? What are you preoccupied with; your pain, or other aspects of bad end driven self seeking? Your answers to these will lead you into what to do next?

(Extract from a sermon by Dr David Powlison)


Every hardship; every joy; every temptation is a challenge of the spirit; that the human soul may prove itself.  The great chain of necessity wherewith we are bound has divine significance; and nothing happens which has not some service in working out the sublime destiny of the human soul.  Elias A. Ford

Whilst] everything around me is ever changing, ever dying there is underlying all that change a living power that is changeless, that holds all together, that creates, dissolves and recreates.  That informing power or spirit is God....And is this power benevolent or malevolent?  I see it as purely benevolent.  For I can see that in the midst of death life persists, in the midst of untruth truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists.  Hence I gather that God is Life, Truth, and Light.  He is Love.  He is the supreme Good.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 10:55

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