He is Hovering Over You

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He is Hovering Over You PDF Print E-mail
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Wednesday, 19 September 2012 06:27

He is Hovering Over You


“Like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hover over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions.” (Deuteronomy 32:11 NIV)

It is believed that when an eagle deems her chicks ready to fly, she disturbs the nest to excite them to fly. As they get a feel of their wings, the mother eagle swoops down below and spreads her wings like a net to pick any chick that falls.

You are a beloved chick of God the Almighty, made to fulfill the purposes he has laid out for you. The Holy Spirit is hovering over you all the time to banish the darkness, the confusion, the chaos, the troubles and afflictions. You are constantly being nourished and instructed, encouraged and comforted.  That comfort zone and nest - your Egypt full of hopelessness and sin, is being disturbed. You are being moved so that you can widen your horizons; so that you can grow in faith and fellowship with the Lord, so that you can have peace and hope in your designated Canaan.


“God walks with us. He scoops us up in His arms or simply sits with us in silent strength until we cannot avoid the awesome recognition that yes, even now, He is there.”   - Gloria Gaither


Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 September 2012 06:35

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