Devouring Curses with a Big Spoon: Disrespecting Our Elders

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Saturday, 30 June 2012 06:57


Devouring Curses with a Big Spoon: Disrespecting Our Elders

Boy playing with grandmother

“However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you: Deuteronomy 28:15 (N.I.V)

In many societies, people are taught to respect their elders in order to command God’s blessings. However, I recently heard of a lady who has taught her children to hate and not to even speak to their grandmother who lives in the same compound. No matter what the source of the fight was, this action is a blow “below the belt”. It is repugnant to both society and God and has denied the children their grandmother’s invaluable tender love and care, life lessons, and other blessings. In her selfishness, the lady is serving curses to her children because they will grow up mean and disrespectful and probably imbue the same values to their own children. She is also likely to bear the brunt of the same curse as the children are likely to disrespect her later in life.

When we curse others and deny them blessings; when we spread unhappiness, misery, ill will, and condemnation to others; we not only bring unhappiness and bad fortune to ourselves, we also receive God’s judgment and his curse on our lives. Conversely, when we serve and bless others; returning good for evil, spreading good cheer, offering comfort and good advice that potentially improves their future, we also experience God’s blessing and mercy.


What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance.  They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life; and most importantly; cookies.  ~Rudolph Giuliani


Last Updated on Saturday, 30 June 2012 07:08

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