Comparison of the Titanic and Noah’s Ark

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Thursday, 26 April 2012 06:57

Comparison of the Titanic and Noah’s Ark

Ship in a storm

“And the LORD said to Noah, Come you and all your house into the ark; for you have I seen righteous before me in this generation” Genesis 7:1 AKJV

Construction of the Titanic was started in 1909 and took 37 months to completion. It sailed for only 5 days before sinking to a depth of 12,460 feet and killing 1,516 people. The construction of Noah’s Ark is estimated to have started in 2465 B. C. and taken 1,440 months to complete. After the flood, the Ark rested on a mountain 17,000 feet above sea level, with no deaths of the people or animals on board. Thus while the Ark was uplifted, the Titanic was consigned to the depths.

Noah and his family trusted in the Lord whose specifications they had used to construct the Ark. After it was finished, the Lord called out to them to come into the ark meaning that the Lord would be there with them, to keep them safe. The people entering the Titanic trusted in the top notch professional engineering (of the day) which had gone into its construction. It was said that even God could not sink the ship. They left the Lord out of their ship.

The passengers entering the Titanic did so according to their status and their financial worth. The very rich went to first class, while the poorest went to third class. Those who entered the Ark did so because Noah had been proved worthy before the Lord. You can appear worthy before men according to worldly values, but in order for you to be worthy before the Lord you need to be righteous. And if you are righteous it does not matter how unlearned, how poor or low your status is in the world, you will be saved.

From this comparison we can see that the Ark, which Jesus represents, is the place to be; where there is protection and eternal life. Outside, there is separation with God and death. Those who want a life structure that will not be destroyed by the storms of life need to build their career, business, marriage and everything else on God’s specifications. Do you have the assurance of being in the Ark?


"Luxury! More perilous to youth than storms or quicksand, poverty or chains"

- Hannah Moore.


Last Updated on Thursday, 26 April 2012 07:15

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