Giving Credit Where It Is Due

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Giving Credit Where It Is Due PDF Print E-mail
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Sunday, 15 April 2012 07:02

Giving Credit Where It Is Due

Groove awards

Daddy Owen and Allan Aaron with their collabo award

Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all”. Chronicles 29:10-13 N.I.V

There are many people who take credit for other people’s work; passing it off as their own. Some take ideas and proposals from their subordinates and other colleagues without any acknowledgement. In extreme cases, instead of being rewarded, these creative minds are castigated and isolated or to ensure that the usurper of their idea continues to profit in its implementation.

Many also do the same thing by refusing to give the rightful credit to God in all the achievements they make in life. Instead people boast of their success; crediting it to their superior brains, hard work and resilience. They fail to see the mighty hand of God in their schemes. Some Christians even boast of various powers such as healing; equating themselves with God.

David, the man after God’s own heart, never failed to give God thanks and to praise his glorious name. Let us in all humility give credit where it is due, to God as well as others.


“Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It is a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves. ” - Stephen Kendrick, The Love Dare.


Last Updated on Sunday, 15 April 2012 07:33

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