Know Your Enemy and Formulate Your Fighting Strategy

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Tuesday, 27 March 2012 07:27


Know Your Enemy and Formulate Your fighting Strategy

The Full Armour of God

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.” Ephesians 6:11 N.I.V

Do you know who your real enemy is? It is not other people, so do not point your finger at them in anger and bitterness. The real enemy is Satan, and he acts in subtle but very powerful ways. He can use anybody and any circumstance to get you. His main weapon is to cause you to doubt God’s love for you and the goodness of His will for you and cause you to rebel against him. Like Adam and Eve, he can cause you to decide to take charge of your life using the limited understanding you have, to get the things you feel God has not provided.

The devil can be compared to a mosquito. It spreads deadly diseases just like the devil causes sin. It operates mostly at night just as the devil is the Lord of darkness. He will use adverse circumstances such as sickness and lack of finances to tempt you. But beware; some mosquitoes also operate during the day. The devil can use your good fortune to make you proud and arrogant. And just like the mosquito will get you through a small hole in a mosquito net and bite any parts left uncovered, the devil seeks every point of your weakness.   The best defense then against the mosquito is to have a good insecticide impregnated mosquito net that covers your whole body. Similarly you need to don the full armor of God and not leave any part exposed. And know that just as a mosquito does not see far, the devil is not all knowing and powerful. God is and you only need to don His armor to defeat the devil.

Arm yourself with the true doctrine in Christ which will keep you stable in your faith, God’s righteousness through the Holy Spirit, an alertness to the working of the devil, faith in God which does not leave you exposed to attacks, the power and hope that comes with salvation, the word of God and constant prayer.


“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.”

Sun Tzu


Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 March 2012 07:58

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