Deliberate Faith

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Tuesday, 24 January 2012 05:35

Deliberate Faith

An eagle soaring in flight

Soar high like an eagle

“So, friends, take a firm stand, feet on the ground and head high. Keep a tight grip on what you were taught, whether in personal conversation or by our letter. May Jesus himself and God our Father, who reached out in love and surprised you with gifts of unending help and confidence, put a fresh heart in you, invigorate your work, enliven your speech”. 2 (Thessalonians 2:15-17 MSG)

Do you remember a time when you prayed desperately and God immediately answered your prayers?  Or a time when you prayed and waited patiently for something which eventually came to pass? Or even a time when you prayed for something that you did not get but came to realize that it was better for you that way?

Every day as we grow in our faith in Christ we learn to trust God and become mature practicing Christians. We are empowered to carry on our day to day activities with every hope of success; believing God’s word and acting on the basis of the reality of His promises.


“Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.” ~Oswald Chambers


Last Updated on Monday, 27 January 2014 21:05

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