The Destructive Power of Procrastination

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Friday, 30 December 2011 18:10

The Destructive Power of Procrastination

A Stressed Woman

A stressed woman

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (James 1: 22 NIV)

Are there things you planned to accomplish this year but never got round to do? What side tracked you? Are you putting off doing God’s will for a later time?

Many people have a lot of good intentions that never get off the ground; like visiting your parents, or a sick neighbor; like spending quality time with your spouse or your child; like starting that ministry you feel called to, and so on. Later, we find that it may be too late to mend relationships that have grown too distant or time may actually run out. Procrastination leads to regret , and stress.

The time to serve others and God is now. Let us de-emphasize the things that have no lasting value; like being busy making more and more money, like sleeping, like going out to have a good time. Knowing what is right is useless if you never carry it out. Even the devil knows the word of the Lord. You become a Christian by practicing it. Just do it, and the relief will be a reward in itself.



The best way to get something done is to begin.

Author Unknown


Knowing what is right is useless if you never carry it out. Even the devil knows the word of the Lord. You become a Christian by practicing it. Just do it, and the relief will be a reward in itself.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 February 2012 04:07

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