Children and Christmas

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Wednesday, 14 December 2011 07:17

Let Little Children Come to Me.

"Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (N.I.V)

Children have the right attitude towards God. They are receptive and trusting. They are easy to mold into the ways of their parents and the surrounding society. Whatever values are inculcated into them, whether right or wrong, will be difficult to eliminate as they get older. They should therefore be taught in the discipline and instruction of the Lord without any hindrance, so that the Word can guide them to lead honorable, fulfilling lives. Not teaching children the ways of the Lord is like putting a gridlock on their necks, from which they will find difficulty escaping.

The story of the birth of Jesus especially resonates with children; Jesus in a manger surrounded by his parents, the farm animals, shepherds, angels and so on. Children the world over look forward to celebrating Christmas with merrymaking, new clothes, toys and lots of nice food, but more than that they need eternal hope.

The children should be taught the full significance of Christmas; that Jesus came into the world to save us. His birthday is different from ours. While we expect goodies from others on our birthdays, Jesus came to give of himself. He does not want anything except to help us reach the Kingdom of God. However he wants fruits of our faith which in accordance to Galatians 5:22 is to have and show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.  Therefore even as we celebrate, we should think of the happiness of those dear to us and others less fortunate both spiritually and materially.


"Ask your children two questions this Christmas. First: "What do you want to give to others for Christmas?" Second: "What do you want for Christmas?" The first fosters generosity of heart and an outward focus. The second can breed selfishness if not tempered by the first". Anonymous


Last Updated on Friday, 15 December 2017 04:11

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