Honoring Marriage

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Honoring Marriage PDF Print E-mail
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Wednesday, 09 November 2011 10:07

Honoring Marriage

“Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” Hebrews 13.4 ESV

How do you define marriage? It appears that for many, it is a loose association or contract, with no fast rules and easily broken. People get married for many reasons including legal, social, libidinal, emotional, economic, spiritual and religious reasons.

The biblical concept of marriage is oneness between a man and a woman; corresponding to the oneness of Christ with the Church. We are expected to honor our spouses as part of ourselves; to build them up, support them, and encourage them. In all our words and actions we are expected to love and respect them and not be the cause of their anguish.

Infidelity is a very painful experience which shakes the foundations of a marriage; there are intense feelings of anger, hurt and humiliation. It is an acknowledged reason for divorce in the Bible (Matthew 5:22).

Infidelity destroys the trust and fellowship of the marriage partners; just as sin separates us from God. That is why we are warned not to let the marriage bed be defiled because we run the risk of breaking the marriage covenant, the making of which God stood witness. Whether you are married or intending to get married, consider carefully God’s expectations and his judgment.


Wise Quote: "A good marriage is good for you. That isn't just a platitude. Mounting research shows that it is the literal truth. When your marriage is healthy, your body and mind are healthie"r.~ CLIFF ISAACSON, The Good-for-You Marriage


Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 April 2014 06:26

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