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Tuesday, 23 October 2012 08:19

by Miriam Kinai

Christmas candles

When shopping for gifts for someone who is stressed, consider giving them gifts that will help them relax. Examples of stress relief gifts include:

1. Christian Meditation CDs
Christian Meditation CDs are perfect stress management gifts because meditation is a very effective relaxation technique. By focusing on a specific Scripture, the heart rate slows down, tension dissipates and the physical body is able to relax. The Word of God is also the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) and it will help a person win any spiritual battle they may be engaged in. Therefore give the powerful gift for Christian mediation CDs to engender spiritual victory and to manage stress effectively.

2. Comedy CDs
Comedy CDs make wonderful stress relief gifts because humour is an excellent stress reducer and consequently an effective relaxation technique. Therefore give a humorous gift that stimulates a merry heart which is just as good as medicine (Proverbs 17:22) for a stressed person. Help them change their mood, forget their misery and laugh heartily for this will make their stressful situation more tolerable.

3. A Beautiful Journal
A journal is another useful stress management gift because it helps a stressed person develop the therapeutic habit of writing down their thoughts and feelings every day. Writing in a journal helps a person relax because it gives them a safe and healthy way to vent toxic emotions as they rant, rave and release their stressers on paper.

4. Aromatherapy Bath and Body Products
Aromatherapeutic bath and body products containing essential oils with calming properties such as lavender and chamomile are fantastic stress relief gifts. This is because as one soaks in tubs filled with aromatic bath salts, their muscles relax and the tension dissipates. Therefore give gift sets containing scented soaps, bath gels or bubble baths to wash away dirt and distress and comforting body creams to rejuvenate their skin and soothe their psyche.

5. Scented Candles
Scented candles soothe the senses after a stressful day making them another sensational stress management gift. Look for those made of beeswax and scented with natural essential oils for a holistic, visual and olfactory stress relieving experience.


For more Stress Management gift ideas visit

Dr Miriam Kinai loves interior decorating and has written many books such as African American Home Decor, Asian Home Decor and Christian Home Decor which are available at her blog and from

Article Source: WRITERS

Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 October 2012 09:04

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