New Year's Spirit

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Wednesday, 26 December 2012 14:39

New Year's Spirit

by Jennifer Hamner

New Year

The January 1, 2012 edition of the New York Times ran an article about New Year Resolutions. In the article it stated that in the previous year, Americans spent $62 billion to get in shape as part of a resolution. This included memberships to fitness clubs and the purchase of the latest diet fad. The University of Scranton, Journal of Clinical Psychology published its findings in December 2012 about New Year Resolutions that had been set at the beginning of the year and discovered that 45% of Americans made resolutions but only about 46% of them were still going strong midyear. The #1 resolution was to lose weight and get in shape. Yes, I would be a liar if I said it wasn't one of my goals for 2013. Middle age and the birth of two children have made my body softer and flabbier than I would like for it to be. However, this year my number one focus will be on my spiritual body.

Paul wrote to the Greeks in Corinth and reminded them that although we do have physical, natural bodies, we should focus on our spiritual body as well. (1 Corinthians 15:44) What do we know about our spiritual body? God gave it to us when he first formed man by breathing into the nostrils of Adam and giving him the breath of life. (Genesis 2:7) We are warned that if we give into the fleshly desires of our physical form that it opposes our spiritual form and will prevent us from doing the things we want and need to do. (Galatians 5:16-17) Paul also wrote to tell us that our body is a temple to the Lord and that it should honor Him. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) This is a good reminder that although people may appear beautiful on the outside in honor of themselves and to please others, their spiritual body may not be so pleasing and does not honor God. Our spiritual body is also eternal and will return to God as Ecclesiastes 12:7 K.J.V points out, "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it".

This upcoming year I will undoubtedly try to walk a little farther, a little faster, and a little steeper on the treadmill to keep my temporary physical form in shape however, my spiritual body will be my top priority. Since the bible tells me that my spiritual body is the breath of God, a temple to God, and will one day return to God, I had better take really good care of it. There will be no goal chart hung on the wall to measure the steps of my journey because ultimately the goal is to get to heaven and be with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have been saved and know in my heart that when God calls me up from this world, that I will be in heaven. It is my resolution instead to show the world my spiritual body and to be a witness for God in hopes that those that are not saved will accept Christ and join me at the finish line.

Dear Father, I pray that you will use my spiritual and natural body to grow your kingdom this year. Amen.

Jennifer Hamner lives with her two daughters in Northport, AL. She teaches Sunday School and VBS at Rosedale Baptist Church. Although she works a full time job outside the home, her passions are using her writing and painting talents to tell others about God.

Article Source: WRITERS

Last Updated on Wednesday, 26 December 2012 15:04

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