The Importance of Language Print
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Wednesday, 10 August 2011 06:25

By Maina, T. E. N.


Language is an organized system of communication by humans using sounds, symbols and words to express an idea, meaning or thought. It is used to communicate information, direction, emotions and feelings. Language can be oral, written or use body expressions.


There are very many languages in the world; often determined by country boundaries. Each of them shares a different culture and history. For example in Kenya we speak English due to our colonial past. We also speak Kiswahili due to the influence of the early traders from the East. There are more than forty tribes each with a distinct language, and culture.


Mother Tongue.

If someone has no ambition to get out of their village, it is only important to

understand their mother tongue. This is the earliest language which expresses our immediate needs. A child soon learns that that by making gestures and using words his needs are met faster and as a result children learn the words of their immediate environment very fast. This is deeply rooted in all of us and we cannot forget it. Our mother tongues are very limiting once we get out of our homes. We are forced to express our needs in a language that other people will understand.



Kenya, people soon realize that they need Kiswahili – the national language and the most used language for trade in Kenya.  It is a useful vehicle of uniting the diverse ethnic groups in our country.

But while Kiswahili has gained its place in the international world of languages it is

still a very native language since a big percentage of its speakers are in Eastern Africa



Friends and peer groups often develop their own language and it is important to keep up with this too because it helps to maintain solidarity. The importance of this is evident in today’s trend in marketing where Sheng is used widely in advertising



If one wants to venture out of East Africa it is important to learn other foreign languages in order to get by. English is the most used language of commerce in the world.   It is also the vehicle of great world literature. Most books are in English. It is spoken by over 400 million people as a mother tongue and hundreds of million others use it as their second language   Many therefore need to learn it.


Other Languages

There are other major languages that one may need to learn depending on where one wants to go. French, German, and Spanish languages may be needed. Increasingly, as the world becomes a global village and trade with China, Japan and other countries is increased, knowledge of these languages also become of critical importance.

What is the importance of language?

Language forges friendships, cultural ties and economic relationships. Learning other languages often opens up knowledge of different cultural values leading to more understanding and tolerance among people. Friendship becomes possible. Language is

also one of the key factors of competitiveness in today’s globalized world which is characterized by international links and intercultural connections. Linguistic skills are crucial for employment and careers especially in the travel industry, communications, advertising, education and engineering.

To excel in business one has to deal with worldwide clients of varied cultures, and languages.. Employees of big companies also need to communicate in languages other than their own.


As said before, we use language to express our needs. The higher the needs, the higher the need for masterly of internationally used languages.


For students who have definite plans and ambitions in life, language is a powerful tool and vehicle to realize their goals and the choice needs to be done carefully. The dynamics of the global economy has to be taken into account. .The question is, “where are you going and which vehicle is needed. The choice is yours. You must invest now!!



Maina T.E.N runs Kokkina Counselling Centre and specializes in youth, parenting and education. He is a former Senior Principal with Bachelor of Education (Oxford) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling from Kenyatta University.

Contacts: 0725-109821, 0733-273572

This article first appeared in the November 2010- January 2011 issue of Woman of Faith magazine. Copyright: Woman of Faith Magazine. All rights reserved. For comments write to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it




Last Updated on Thursday, 25 August 2011 04:17